Cooling water treatment

Biofilm growth may be wasting 20-30% of your Cooling tower's energy and chemical costs

How does biofilm deposits impact cooling towers?

Biofilm and limescale deposits drastically impair the performance of the cooling tower due to increasing chemical costs and maintenance costs.
Without proper treatment, layers of biofilm build up wherever water runs through piping systems. Algae, a common organism in biofilms, is especially problematic in cooling towers, where sunlight accelerates its growth.
Even a small accumulation of biofilm growth has an insulating effect that reduces heat transfer and increases energy costs. Scientific researches revealed that just 0.15 mm of biofilm can increase energy costs by 6% in cooling towers. At 0.9 mm, that figure jumps to 35%.
Over time, the deposits can also plug screens and filters in cooling towers, adversely affecting the flow of water.

How can biofilm be treated?

The use of chemicals is a common solution for preventing and treating biofilm. One problem is the  high costs for chemicals and the other is the harmful environmental impact of the blowdown containing biocides.

Our NB technology can significantly improve the cooling water treatment, by applying air, oxygen or ozone nanobubbles in the cooling water circulation, and the resulting OH radicals destroy the biofilm deposits. and disrupts future growth.  

Benefits of NB treatment

  • Increasing heat transfer and energy efficiency

  • Reducing cleaning frequency

  • Mitigating biofilm and deposits

  • Eliminating odors caused by stagnant water

  • Lowering equipment maintenance costs

  • Extending equipment life

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