Looking for partners

We are looking for partners - startups - interested in mutual research
and development of NB technology application in the following fields:
• Water treatment, lake remediation, sewage treatment
• Cooling water treatment for Power plants and Chemical industry

• Hydroponics, vertical farming
• CIP Cleaning and Disinfecting in food industry and medical industry
• Facility management and full object central disinfecting
• Aqaponics, fishery
• Agriculture Oxygen rich irrigation
• Animal husbandry CIP cleaning and disinfecting
• Organic winemaking


Nanobubbles Technology development Group
Nanobubbles sp z o.o, Poland

Nanobubbles Europe Kft, Hungary

Polish head office Kacik 4, 30-549 Cracow, Poland 
Hungarian office and workshop Bulcsu 2, 3526 Miskolc, Hungary
E-mail: info@nanobubbles.eu
Mobile/Whatsapp/Viber: +36203601680
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nanobubbles-europe/


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